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Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 21:17
by BrunoMine
what is the crafting of it? I want this mod replace the standard plate minetest.

This showed mod errors. already posted a topic about this type of mod. In version 0.4.7

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 08:49
by kaeza
brunob.santos wrote:what is the crafting of it? I want this mod replace the standard plate minetest.

This showed mod errors. already posted a topic about this type of mod. In version 0.4.7
Homedecor already provides this functionality (and more).

It is crafted like normal signs.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 22:57
by Johnyknowhow
oh cool! now i dont have to use HomeDecor for this!

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 23:56
by Inocudom
Homedecor's signs are superior. What is wrong with using homedecor anyway?

Re: [Mod] Signs [2] [signs]

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 18:59
by snowflake

i got a question

is this the sign which shows the words written without pointing it and is it default.

Re: [Mod] Signs [2] [signs]

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 19:20
by snowflake
Oh no i tryed it but i didn't get what i wanted to get

Re: [Mod] Signs [2] [signs]

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 08:34
by mnh48
I know this mod is no longer available but I'm here to put notice about the license of the fonts used in the mod (in which the fonts still exist today on the same website linked from first post).

While the about page do write "Freeware! You may use them as you like" in the banner, the exact license written in Japanese did put up limitations on using the fonts.

These are from the about page:
■ ビットマップフォントはそれぞれの最小サイズで作成してありますので、字間、行間ともにかなりきつめになっています。用途に応じて各々調整してお使いください。
■ 同様に最小サイズで作成してある為それぞれの推奨ポイントサイズが違います(ややこしくてスイマセン)。推奨ポイントサイズの倍数でご使用ください。
■ これらのフォントはフリーウェアです。
■ なお、これらのフォントを使用してのいかなる損害についても作者は責任を負わないものとします。

■ Each of the bitmap fonts were created in respective minimum size, so the spacing between characters and lines were a bit tight. Please adjust them accordingly when using them.
■ Similarly, because the fonts are created in their minimum size, the recommended point size of each fonts is different (I'm sorry for making it confusing). Please use the font with size that is the multiple of the recommended point size.
■ These fonts are freeware.
You're free to distribute, transfer, or republish them for non-commercial purposes, but we strongly prohibit selling it or attaching it to products for commercial purposes without the permission from the author.
■ The author shall not be responsible for any damage caused by using these fonts.

(Note: the recommended point size of the fonts could be viewed from the other link on the same page.)