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Updating colors.txt for and C++!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 15:31
by Jordach
I have my sheet of colours so far; feel free to pull request this.

Code: Select all

default:stone 128 128 128
default:stone_with_coal 50 50 50
default:water_flowing 39 66 106
default:torch 255 255 0
default:water_source 39 66 106
default:sign_wall 117 86 41
default:chest 128 79 0
default:furnace 118 118 118
default:fence_wood 103 78 42
default:rail 162 119 53
default:ladder 154 110 40
default:lava_flowing 255 100 0
default:lava_source 255 100 0
default:dirt_with_grass 107 134 51
default:tree 86 58 31
default:leaves 48 95 8
default:dirt_with_grass_and_footsteps 102 129 38
default:mese 178 178 0
default:dirt 101 84 36
default:wood 104 78 42
default:sand 210 194 156
default:cobble 123 123 123
default:steelblock 199 199 199
default:glass 183 183 222
default:mossycobble 219 202 178
default:gravel 70 70 70
default:sandstone 204 0 0
default:cactus 0 215 0
default:brick 170 50 25
default:clay 104 78 42
default:papyrus 58 105 18
default:bookshelf 196 160 0
default:jungletree 205 190 121
default:junglegrass 62 101 25
default:nyancat 255 153 255
default:nyancat_rainbow 102 50 255
default:apple 200 0 0
default:desert_sand 210 194 156
default:desert_stone 210 194 156
default:dry_shrub 100 80 40

moreores:gold_block 255 255 51
moreores:mithril_block 51 204 255

moreblocks:junglewood 255 204 153
moreblocks:stonebrick 128 128 128
moreblocks:circlestonebrick 128 128 128
moreblocks:ironstonebrick 180 180 180
moreblocks:stonesquare 128 128 128
moreblocks:splitstonesquare 128 128 128
moreblocks:plankstone 128 128 128
moreblocks:ironglass 120 120 120
moreblocks:coalglass 70 70 70
moreblocks:cleanglass 183 183 222
moreblocks:cactusbrick 0 215 0
moreblocks:cactuschecker 0 215 0
moreblocks:emptybookshelf 196 160 0
moreblocks:oerkkiblock 153 51 204
moreblocks:coalstone 90 90 90
moreblocks:ironstone 120 120 120
moreblocks:coalchecker 120 120 120
moreblocks:ironchecker 170 170 170
moreblocks:trapstone 128 128 128
moreblocks:trapglass 183 183 222
moreblocks:fence_junglewood 255 204 153
moreblocks:horizontaltree 48 95 8
moreblocks:horizontaljungletree 48 95 8
moreblocks:allfacestree 48 95 8
moreblocks:glowglass 240 240 0
moreblocks:superglowglass 240 240 0
moreblocks:rope 0 240 0

stairs:stair_wood 196 160 0
stairs:slab_wood 196 160 0
stairs:stair_stone 128 128 128
stairs:slab_stone 128 128 128
stairs:stair_cobble 128 128 128
stairs:slab_cobble 128 128 128
stairs:stair_brick 170 50 25
stairs:slab_brick 170 50 25
stairs:stair_sandstone 204 0 0
stairs:slab_sandstone 204 0 0
stairs:stair_steelblock 190 190 190
stairs:slab_steelblock 190 190 190
stairs:stair_gold 255 255 51
stairs:slab_gold 255 255 51
stairs:stair_diamond 51 204 255
stairs:slab_diamond 51 204 255

glowstone:glowstone 255 204 0

xfences:fence 103 78 42
xfences:fence_1 103 78 42
xfences:fence_2 103 78 42
xfences:fence_3 103 78 42
xfences:fence_4 103 78 42
xfences:fence_5 103 78 42
xfences:fence_6 103 78 42
xfences:fence_7 103 78 42
xfences:fence_8 103 78 42
xfences:fence_9 103 78 42
xfences:fence_10 103 78 42
xfences:fence_11 103 78 42
xfences:fence_12 103 78 42
xfences:fence_13 103 78 42
xfences:fence_14 103 78 42
xfences:fence_15 103 78 42

wool:white 255 255 255
wool:black 0 0 0
wool:magenta 255 0 255
wool:blue 0 0 255
wool:grey 128 128 128
wool:green 0 255 0
wool:red 255 0 0
wool:orange 255 153 0
wool:yellow 255 255 0
wool:brown 153 51 0
wool:cyan 0 255 255
wool:dark_blue 0 220 0
wool:dark_grey 70 70 70
wool:dark_green 0 200 0
wool:pink 255 204 204
wool:gold 255 255 51
This should update - and tell me your mods; ill add them in at some point.

There are other non-normal mod nodes there; they are for my own world.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 02:27
by RabbiBob
Almost started a colors.txt page on the wiki yesterday. It might be the easiest way to keep a self-maintained list.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 21:21
by Iqualfragile
a wiki-page would be the right approach

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 22:35
by LandMine
What ever happened with this? You never kept updating it?

EDIT: Nevermind i came across one that seems pretty complete ... colors.txt

it is VanessaE's color.txt looks good :D

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 17:54
by VanessaE
You're certainly welcome to submit updates to it :-)

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 00:54
by dip
Here is my improvements:

Code: Select all

nature:blossom                                                  79  100  68

flowers:flower_cotton                                           145 165 127
flowers:flower_dandelion_white                                  161 174 149
flowers:flower_rose                                             153   9   0
flowers:flower_tulip                                            175 114   0
flowers:flower_viola                                            84   90  64
flowers:flower_dandelion_yellow                                 144 138   0
flowers:flower_geranium                                         75  101  84
flowers:flower_waterlily                                        119 166 100
flowers:flower_seaweed                                          48  114 107

default:sapling                                                 71   64  41

teleporter:teleporter_pad                                       248 231 153

bushes:strawberry_bush                                          23   75  17

fire:basic_flame                                                76    9   0

craft_guide:lcd_pc                                              64   64  64
craft_guide:sign_wall                                           212 212 212
Also, if you delete definition of some blocks, you won't see them. That could be usable for showing something that is not usually seen. Example:

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 14:07
by VanessaE
Thanks for the update. :-)

(also made a couple of other updates to farming and old flowers nodenames)

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 06:58
by ng.emerge

Code: Select all

default:furnace_active                                          238 127  10
moreblocks:slab_circlestonebrick_wall                            84  82  81
homedecor:torch_wall                                            255 165   8
mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_on                               132 110  81
homedecor:glass_table_small_round_b                             195 195 195
doors:door_steel_t_2                                            172 172 172
doors:door_steel_b_2                                            172 172 172
homedecor:glowlight_quarter_yellow                              255 255 113
Also, maybe you'll want to put old and outdated nodenames out from the main colors.txt?

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 20:24
by Neon
I command thee, Forum Thread: Arise From Your Long Sleep!

I couldn't find a wiki article on this. Here are the colors for the Ethereal mod

Code: Select all

ethereal:frost_leaves 170 75 170
ethereal:frost_tree 86 58 31
ethereal:mushroom_trunk 170 170 170
ethereal:mushroom 170 50 25
ethereal:crystal_topped_dirt 25 75 170
ethereal:mushroom_dirt 170 75 170
ethereal:fiery_dirt_top 170 50 25
ethereal:gray_dirt_top 170 170 170
ethereal:green_dirt_top 107 134 51

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 21:45
by paramat
Cool thread, here's 100+, snow mod and all my mods:

Code: Select all

snow:trunk 234 207 156
snow:needles 47 80 41
snow:sapling_pine 95 255 0
snow:ice 155 155 255
snow:snow 221 223 255
snow:dirt_with_snow 221 223 255
snow:snow_block 221 223 255

paragen:permafrost 181 144 107
paragen:dirt 181 144 107
paragen:desertstone 105 56 43
paragen:needles 47 80 41
paragen:jungleleaf 119 132 50
paragen:cactus 95 255 0
paragen:grass 27 35 25
paragen:swampwater 48 108 48
paragen:swampwaterflow 48 108 48
paragen:stone 97 93 92
paragen:sand 218 180 106
paragen:luxblock 255 218 90
paragen:goldengrass 188 160 0
paragen:drygrass 147 119 71
paragen:activelayer 147 119 71
paragen:water 11 53 115
paragen:waterflow 11 53 115
paragen:snow 221 223 255

paragenv7:dirt 181 144 107
paragenv7:permafrost 181 144 107
paragenv7:acacialeaf 47 80 41
paragenv7:needles 47 80 41
paragenv7:jungleleaf 119 132 50
paragenv7:ssapling 95 255 0
paragenv7:psapling 95 255 0
paragenv7:cactus 95 255 0
paragenv7:grass 27 35 25
paragenv7:goldengrass 188 160 0
paragenv7:drygrass 147 119 71

flexrealm:perfrost 181 144 107
flexrealm:dirt 181 144 107
flexrealm:destone 105 56 43
flexrealm:needles 47 80 41
flexrealm:junleaf 119 132 50
flexrealm:grass 27 35 25
flexrealm:swatzero 48 108 48
flexrealm:swatfour 48 108 48
flexrealm:swatflow 48 108 48
flexrealm:stone 97 93 92
flexrealm:sand 218 180 106
flexrealm:desand 227 138 73
flexrealm:drygrass 147 119 71
flexrealm:frograss 87 76 45
flexrealm:watzero 11 53 115
flexrealm:watfour 11 53 115
flexrealm:watflow 11 53 115
flexrealm:cloud 227 233 240

watershed:dirt 181 144 107
watershed:redstone 105 56 43
watershed:needles 47 80 41
watershed:jungleleaf 119 132 50
watershed:stone 97 93 92
watershed:grass 27 35 25
watershed:water 11 53 115
watershed:waterflow 11 53 115

moonrealm:stone 97 93 92
moonrealm:dust 132 132 132
moonrealm:luxore 255 255 0
moonrealm:luxnode 255 255 0
moonrealm:waterice 155 155 255

asteroid:snowblock 221 223 255
asteroid:waterice 155 155 255
asteroid:stone 97 93 92
asteroid:cobble 116 112 111
asteroid:gravel 137 125 112
asteroid:dust 132 132 132

trail:dirt_walked 181 144 107
trail:dirt_with_grass_walked 255 0 0
trail:desert_sand_walked 255 0 0
trail:snow_walked 255 0 0
trail:snow_block_walked 255 0 0
trail:sand_walked 255 0 0

conifers:trunk 234 207 156
conifers:trunk_reversed 234 207 156
conifers:leaves 47 80 41
conifers:leaves_special 47 80 41
conifers:sapling 95 255 0

volcano:magma_source 255 51 0
volcano:magma_slow 255 51 0
volcano:magma_flowing 255 51 0
volcano:ash 132 132 132

slabrealm:redstone 105 56 43
slabrealm:jleaf 47 80 41
slabrealm:needles 47 80 41
slabrealm:jsapling 95 255 0
slabrealm:psapling 95 255 0
slabrealm:grassslab 27 35 25
slabrealm:stone 97 93 92
slabrealm:slith 204 204 204
slabrealm:desertsandslab 227 138 73
slabrealm:sandslab 218 180 106
slabrealm:snowslab 221 223 255
slabrealm:snowblock 221 223 255
slabrealm:ice 155 155 255
slabrealm:cloud 227 233 240

landup:destone 105 56 43
landup:stone 97 93 92
landup:grass 27 35 25

floatindev:desertstone 105 56 43
floatindev:stone 97 93 92

jungletree:leaves_green 47 80 41
jungletree:leaves_red 47 80 41
jungletree:leaves_yellow 47 80 41
jungletree:sapling 95 255 0

slabworld:slabstone 97 93 92
slabworld:slith 204 204 204
slabworld:cslith 204 204 204
slabworld:cslithslab 204 204 204
slabworld:cslithstair 204 204 204
slabworld:lighton 255 218 90
slabworld:light 255 218 90
slabworld:slabcloud 227 233 240
slabworld:redslabstone 105 56 43

vrealm:sand 218 180 106
vrealm:grass 27 35 25
vrealm:desert_sand 227 138 73

moonlet:lighton 255 218 90
moonlet:light 255 218 90
moonlet:omsand 227 138 73
moonlet:omstone 206 113 68

flolands:floatstone 66 72 97
flolands:floatsand 106 218 196

noise23:flosand 106 218 196
noise23:stone 97 93 92

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 22:07
by Casimir
Does someone has a colours.txt in a git repository? Would be good to collect it all in one place.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 23:03
by CraigyDavi
Casimir wrote:Does someone has a colours.txt in a git repository? Would be good to collect it all in one place.
That's a brilliant idea! I have started a repository here. Added Vanessa's colors.txt and will start adding the ones on this thread.
Maybe there everyone could contribute and add more colors? Or maybe somwhere else?

Here it is:

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 21:12
by sfan5
sfan5 wrote:I just made a better (automatically generateable) colors.txt for my fork.
Even though the colors.txt was automatically generated using a (pretty primitive) algoritm they still look nice.
Here's a comparison:
Link to post

Re: Updating colors.txt for and C++!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 13:59
by poikilos
Here are some more that I made that noone posted and are not in VenessaE's colors.txt:

Code: Select all

protector:door_steel_b_2 142 142 142
protector:door_steel_b_1 142 142 142
doors:door_wood_a 66 49 22
protector:door_wood_b_1 66 49 22
tsm_pyramids:deco_stone3 161 145 111
protector:door_wood_b_2 66 49 22
flowers:sunflower 82 110 23
moretrees:jungletree_trunk 47 33 11
flowers:mushroom_brown 101 94 68
lapis:lapis_block 47 56 153
tsm_pyramids:deco_stone2 161 145 111
lapis:pyrite_ore 118 114 98
protector:door_steel_t_1 142 142 142
protector:door_steel_t_2 142 142 142
creatures:zombie_spawner 41 49 54
tsm_pyramids:spawner_mummy 41 49 54
protector:protect 86 82 81
tsm_pyramids:trap 180 162 121 # same as VenessaE's default:sandstone (average color of normal sandstone texture would be 198 193 44) since should look same on map
doors:door_wood_b 66 49 22
doors:door_steel_b 142 142 142
flowers:mushroom_red 156 94 76
protector:door_wood_t_2 120 94 53
protector:door_wood_t_1 120 94 53
And a list that should not be in colors.txt (should be transparent, or treated like air blocks AFAIK):
doors:hidden # the top half of the door that is actually just there to prevent placing stuff there

If you download my mod-free LevelDB/SQLite3 livemap and run, a colors.txt will be generated in its folder that is combined from all of the posts above plus VenessaE's (and your detected colors.txt if you run the script on a server):

If you plan on using my mapper for anything else, be aware it is WIP, as the following issues remain:
* currently only single image part works properly so map image has to be generated offline by running
* Browser must be refreshed manually to update player locations (ajax updates are planned)