Dynamic shadows for Android/devices using GLES rendering

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Dynamic shadows for Android/devices using GLES rendering

by AbduSharif » Post

Dynamic shadows are no doubt a great graphical feature that adds more depth to 3D game worlds and adds more to the atmosphere and nature of the game world.

For a reason mentioned in the feature request, the dynamic shadows on GLES2 are still getting pushed back, this time until the community gives more voices in favor of dynamic shadows on Android and GLES devices, the original hype for the feature in general on the dynamic shadows PRs and discord maybe wasn't enough of an indicator for how much wanted this dynamic shadows feature in general is, but if there are Android users or people who desire to use the feature on devices using GLES rendering I suggest you to make your voices heard or you're going to lose out on what PC players have been enjoying for a while and many years to come.

Currently though this feature isn't available on release buids but instead in debug/development builds.

The feature request in question:

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