[Mod] load/save YAML config file library [yaml]

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[Mod] load/save YAML config file library [yaml]

by snowyu » Post

# Minetest YAML Config File Library

Sample YAML Config Format:

# totalPlayTime unit is minute
totalPlayTime: 30
# Whether skip the question which has already be answered correctly.
skipAnswered: 1
# checkInterval unit is seconds
checkInterval: 10
# idleInterval unit is minute
idleInterval: 1
quiz: # question list
- id: favorColor
title: "What's my favor color?"
answer: red
- id: theYear
- title: "What's the year?"
answer: 2021

## Usage

local MOD_NAME = minetest.get_current_modname()
-- load config from file,
-- first load the my-config.yml file in mod directory as default settings
-- then try to load from world directory:
-- the filename in the world folder is MOD_NAME .. "_my-config.yml"
local settings = yaml.readConfig(MOD_NAME, "my-config.yml")
-- save the config file to world directory
-- the default filename is "config.yml" if filename not exists
-- the filename in the world folder is MOD_NAME .. "_" .."my-config.yml"

## API

* yaml.readConfig(modName, filename = "config.yml")
* first load the yaml file in mod directory as default settings
* then load file from world directory
* return merge the two settings together at last

* yaml.writeConfig(settings, filename = "config.yml", modName)
* save the config file to the world directory

* yaml.readYamlFile(filepath)
* read a YAML format file

* yaml.readModConfig(filename, modName)
* yaml.readWorldConfig(filename)
* yaml.writeYamlFile(filepath, content)
* yaml.writeModConfig(filename, content, modName)
* yaml.writeWorldConfig(content, filename)

* yaml.defaults(target, default)
* merge the default table to the target table
* return target

* yaml.readFile(filepath)
* read whole file
* return content if successful

* yaml.writeFile(filepath, content)
* return true if successful

Source: https://github.com/snowyu/minetest_yaml
Download: https://content.minetest.net/packages/snowyu/yaml/
License: MIT

Using the [lua-yaml](https://github.com/exosite/lua-yaml) as yaml parser.

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